--- ramp
==> [!hasSkate] no-skate
[cont] [once] I see you found a board! Let me teach you how to do this, its pretty simple actually {sure!}
[cont] Click and hold on the base of the ramp to start skating. If at any moment you feel like you would fall, release! you don't want to get hurt... {sure...|omg, i've never thought i would be able to skateboard using only my imagination!}
[cont] [set knowsSkate] are you ready?? {hell yeah!}
Remember to make some skate sounds! {scrrrrrr|fpllllttlp|plooplpr}
--- no-skate
[once] Hmmm, it seems like you don't have a skateboard, you need a skateboard to skate.
Have you looked around for a spare skateboard yet?
--- enter
==> [once] enter1
==> [once] enter2
==> ramp
--- enter1
[once] [cont] I forgot this ramp was here.
==> ramp
--- enter2
[once] [cont] I wish I could still skate...
==> ramp
--- click
==> ramp